One of the top ranked research hospitals in the United States considers a full spectrum of discovery, from basic exploration of biological mechanisms to the improvement of community health. This client is always dedicated to a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach that benefits children and their families.

Research Hospital - Neo-Relief
To push the limits of precision dosing of medication, this research hospital determined to develop a state-of-the-art decision support platform. A significant constraint was to incorporate the solution into the clinical workflow, which included the Electronic Health Record system. The initial goal was to support the clinical staff with a model-informed prediction of concentrations to improve the precision dosing of morphine in the management of neonatal pain.
This research hospital developed and integrated decision support into their electronic health record system. By partnering with POMIET, they laid the foundation for ongoing innovation as they continue to enhance their dosing decision support platform.
As a part of our process, POMIET worked closely with the clinical staff to determine the preferred mode of presentation of information required to determine proper and precise dosing of morphine for neonates. This information was inserted directly into the clinician’s workflow. Expected outcomes from this effort include improved clinical efficacy with fewer side effects in the neonatal population
Electronic Health Record-Embedded Decision Support Platform for Morphine Precision Dosing in Neonates
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